French Weir Avenue, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1NW

Tel: 01823 331 381

Contact Details


Repeat Prescription Request

As of 1st June 2020 the repeat prescriptions ordering line is only available to our housebound and elderly patients without access to the internet. Please speak to any one of our team to set you up for online ordering. You can request a prescription in one of the following ways:

  • Request online  – This is the fastest and easiest way to order. You must register to use this service, before you are able to order using this method.  For information about how to register please refer to the website’s home page.
  • Contact the prescrition team direct – Just provide us a few details so help us identify you and list the medication you need ordering.
  • Hand it in at the reception or drop it into the prescriptions box Use the printed slip that comes with your medication. Please allow at least 2 working days and only tick the items needed (the other items will remain on your next form).
  • Put it through the letter box if we are closed
  • Post it to us (attach a SAE and we will post it back if you prefer)


Medicines for Self Care

Somerset Clinical Commissioning Group has made the attached list of medicines of limited clinical value or for minor or self-limiting conditions NON-FORMULARY.  This means that your GP has been advised to no longer prescribe these medicines.  Further information about medicines for self care.


Electronic Prescribing

This is the quickest way to obtain your prescription from a pharmacy, since 2014 French Weir Health Centre has been able to send your prescription electronically to a pharmacy of your choice.