French Weir Avenue, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1NW

Tel: 01823 331 381

Contact Details


If you have concerns about the Coronavirus (COVID-19), please click on the links below with guidance for the general public. 

Coronavirus (COVID-19) - NHS.UK Information

Information for shielded patients

Every Mind Matters - Looking After Your Mental Health

COVID-19 vaccination - frequently asked questions

COVID-19 booster - frequently asked questions

When Should I Test For COVID-19?

Rollout of the COVID Booster Vaccination In Somerset

The symptoms are similar to other illnesses that are much more common, such as cold and flu and it does not necessarily mean you have the illness. The main symptoms are:

  • A new continuous cough
  • A high temperature (37.8 degrees centigrade or higher)
  • A loss of or change in smell or taste

NHS 111 has an online coronavirus (COVID-19) service that can tell you if you need medical help and advise you what to do.

Public Health England have published information regarding the AstraZeneca vaccination & blood clotting concerns surrounding it.


12-15 Year Olds

Patients can find out which centres are offering walk-in clinics for 12 – 15-year-olds on the “grab-a-jab” website


Vaccination Certificates & Queries

We politely ask that you do not contact the surgery enquiring about COVID vaccination certification as we are unable to issue this at the practice.

Proof of your vaccination status will be available on the NHS App or your Patient Access App, which is also valuable for accessing your health records and ordering repeat prescriptions. Alternatively, you can call the NHS helpline on 119 and ask for a letter to be posted to you. This must be at least 5 days after you’ve completed your course of the vaccine, the letter may to take up to 5 days to reach you.

If your COVID-19 vaccination is not showing on your NHS App, you will need to contact the hub who provided you with the vaccine. We are only able to input vaccine data or answer queries for patients who were vaccinated by French Weir Health Centre.


Message to our patients – update on the COVID-19 booster programme

Across Somerset the NHS and its partners are working extremely hard to roll out the COVID-19 booster vaccination programme to our communities.

All adults are eligible from Monday 13 December, and you will be able to book via the National Booking System from Wednesday 15 December.

You can book your booster for 3 months from the date of second vaccine, and you can access the National Booking System to book the appointment from 2 months.

We are working at pace to increase the availability of appointments so that there are plenty of options for people on the National Booking System. Some local vaccination services may will also contact patients directly.

New appointments are being added every day across our vaccination services. Further availability will come online from Wednesday 15 December.

We will be working with all of our sites to take further steps to increase what they can offer again, including opening later and on more days.

All of these appointments will be added to the National Booking System and so we encourage everyone who is aged 18 and over, is yet to have their booster and who is approaching 3 months from your second vaccine to use the National Booking System to arrange your appointment when you are able to do so.

In terms of any planned appointments with <insert name of the GP practice>, there are no changes at the current time and everyone should attend your planned appointments as normal. If we need to make any changes, we will contact you directly.


Face Mask Exemption

You do not need a letter from your GP. You simply need to declare your exemption when asked. We are sorry, but we will not provide any letters of exemption for the wearing of face coverings.

Information on face coverings from GOV.UK

NHS patients, staff and visitors must continue to wear face coverings in healthcare settings.


Vaccination Clinics

We have now completed our local vaccination programme for people in cohorts 1-9. All adults aged 18 and over are eligible to book a COVID vaccination – to book both first and second doses visit the National Booking Service online or by calling 119.  There are a wide range of locations available to choose across Somerset – there is no need to contact the surgery.

We would like to say a huge thank you to the hundreds of people who have supported our local COVID vaccination programme. We are so proud of each and every person who has given their time and energy to help us to run such a successful programme