French Weir Avenue, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 1NW

Tel: 01823 331 381

Contact Details


This page is NOT for queries about medical matters.
If you have such queries please make them directly to your doctor.


We welcome feedback from patients on any aspect of the service we provide . If you have feedback please write to us or email the surgery at



Any suggestions can be made in writing via the Friends & Family Test (FFT) available on our website or by emailing the surgery at



The practice operates an in-house complaints procedure. If you have a complaint, please ask to speak to the Practice Manager or send your complaint in writing either by post or by emailing

If you are not satisfied with any aspect of the service provided by the practice and cannot resolve any issues you may have by discussing them with either the manager or one of the health professionals, then you may also make complaint or representation to the local Primary Care Trust, Somerset NHS by writing to the below address:

Complaints Manager,
Somerset Clinical Commisioning Group (CCG),
Wynford House,
Lufton Way,
BA22 8HR.

However, if you have already complained to the Practice and not resolved the issue with them, the CCG will not be able to deal with the matter. In such circumstances, you should take the matter further by writing to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman. He may be contacted via the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman website.